The Creative Works of Hector Santos
The Story Behind "Fitting In" (III)
Last October I drove 2800 miles from Vermont to install my self-funded sculpture “Fitting In” (III) at The Art Queen complex in Joshua Tree, California. The inspiration hit me while staying with my daughter in Landers. In February 2021 I approached the property managers of Art Queen for permission, presented a design, and was approved. I chose the Art Queen complex because I thought my sculpture would be appreciated and people would interact with it.
“Fitting In” (III) is part of a series of sculptures with the negative space being the shape of a human. The first “Fitting In” is located in Woodstock, Vermont and is constructed entirely of stone and copper. “Fitting In” (II) is made of poured concrete and reclaimed slate shingles. It was trucked across the country and resides in Ojai, California. “Fitting In” (III) is constructed of reclaimed concrete, wood timbers, and copper. I decided to use reclaimed concrete instead of stone for this sculpture because it can be shaped to mimic stone and it will be kept out of the landfill. The silhouette for the sculptures “Fitting In” (I) & (II) were the shape of a man, for this sculpture I chose the shape of a woman.
The meaning behind the title “Fitting In” is; Most of us feel the need to fit in, whether it’s in a social group, at work, school, or life. “Fitting In” embodies that. The concrete pieces fit together, fit around the copper moon, and finally into the wooden frame. You fit into the silhouette.
It took me took over two weeks of cutting, grinding, and chiseling to completed of my first California sculpture.
I am primarily a practical stone mason, my work typically consisting of walls, steps, and patios, but my passion for sculpture is what pushes his creativity. I grew up in Northampton, Massachusetts and moved to a Commune in the Turners Falls/ Gill area when I was eleven. The commune was alive with art, design, music, and construction. I was heavily influenced by all of that activity which gave me lots of inspiration. I am also a graphic designer and I makes concrete garden enhancements.

Here's another example of what can be done with old broken concrete.
This is constructed without mortar.
Joshua Tree, CA
I got some press on my sculpture!
This is my newest installation. "Fitting In" (III) It's in the high desert of California, in the cool town of Joshua Tree. The sculpture is made of reclaimed concrete, wooden timbers, and copper.
This is a project I started at the end of August last year. It's a garage that will look like an English cottage when completed. The stone is from Chester, Vermont. Each stone has been cut, drilled, and split on site. In order to work through a Vermont winter I had to build a tent and install forced hot air heaters.

"The Beginning" It's poured concrete and reclaimed slate roofing shingles.
"Fitting In" A concrete sculpture with reclaimed slate roof shingles.

South Woodstock Stone Wall Renovation

"Fitting In" Stone Sculpture Woodstock, VT

This is what I do when I need instant gratification.
They are fun and easy to make!
I've been making stone arches for thirty years.

"Urban Pyramid" Reclaimed Concrete and Stone Freeland, WA
"Urban Pyramid" Reclaimed Concrete and Stone Freeland, WA
"Water and poor craftsmanship are the leading cause of death to stone walls in the United States ."
—Hector Santos